Dusk Somewhere

Recent posts

Jul 26, 2023
First thoughts on ‘Mute Compulsion’
Mute compulsion is a very nice book. So far I’ve read the first few chapters and found it to have one the most accurate and sophisticated description of Marxism I’ve seen written in a single place.…
Jun 7, 2023
The Social-mediafication of Working Class Organizing
Last month, flying over the Atlantic in the throes of an existential crisis brought on by too strong an edible (which I had taken to try to sleep through the flight), I had the following disturbing self-insight, which while stonerish is also true:…
Jun 1, 2023
To face the coming climate crisis, a new vision and a new spirituality
The following is a translation of an article from Caminos (A Cuban journal of socio-theological thought). It was written by José María Vigil, Spanish-Nicaraguan liberation-theologian.…
May 30, 2023
Cuba’s Struggle for the Full Dignity of the Human Being
Housing and the Cuban Revolution “In the first three years of the revolution, 1959-61, all measures were taken to disarticulate the capitalist system at its base.…
May 18, 2023
Jewishness Abstractly and Concretely
This is a follow-up to the post “Class and Race”. This post gives an example of the way ethnic groups can serve as particular instantiations of historical roles which occur abstractly.…