Reason in Revolt

Recent posts

May 6, 2024
“Seeing Red” intro speech
This past Saturday (May 4th) we held the first event in a new series called “Seeing Red”. I opened the event with a speech describing the aim of the series.…
May 6, 2024
Red Seder Haggadah
This Pesach, I helped organize a Seder for lefty Jews. For this we wrote a haggadah, which focuses on the actual history of the Jews with an eye toward understanding the phenomenon of Zionism.…
Mar 1, 2024
Concise definitions of dialectical & historical materialsm
Dialectical materialism is the philosophical foundation of Marxism, and historical materialism is its scientific foundation. Both concepts are thus very important for communists1 to understand.…
Feb 14, 2024
Mondragón 1: More an island of kinder capitalism, than an aircraft carrier for communism
Mondragón is a famous complex of cooperatives, primarily based in the Basque country. It has been widely acclaimed for providing stable employment to tens of thousands, a degree of internal democracy, and maintaining growth better than the national average for decades.…
Nov 28, 2023
Poem: Blenders
Poetry flows from the fingertips like threads of silk Birds have nests and spiders webs And humans friendships. But webs too.…